jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013

10 Comic Book Movies that needs a Reboot

10) Elektra:

Jen Garner for me is okay, but mostly win so, Where's her reboot?

9) Fantastic Four

For me, the 2005 version is okay, if we compare it with the 90's version, but we need a reboot (Where Galatcus does not be a simple rain cloud)

8) Justice League

Well, maybe you had hear about a tv film about The Justice League in the 90's, that film, needs a reboot, but one where Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman be there, screw heroes from other earths, we want real heroes.

7) Ghost Rider:

Is not very often see heroes in flames (If you think so, you don't know The Human Torch and... The Torch from Namor), but god lord, this skeleton hero needs a reboot

6) Green Lantern:

The original was like chicken with orange... Very few people I know knew Hal Jordan as Green Lantern, that people need a movie were John Stewart be Green Lantern, and please, cast Will Smith to play him.

5) Watchmen:

Silk Specter barely hates The Comedian??? Dan and Laurie just make out one time??? Rorschach does not eat sugar cubes??? Where's the Alien from the other dimension in the destroyed New York??? The movie was a hit, but for me, remains a lot of things and there's not others.

4) Daredevil:

Ben Affleck as Daredevil??? Are you serious, with that, You know that I'm right.

3) The Mask

We all know the 90s comedy; The Mask, but what almost nobody know is that The Mask came from a comic book by Dark Horse Comics, and when I read the comic, I forgot the movie... I wanna see blood and violence, I wanna see the Big Head killing... When You're a kid, The Mask is your favorite comedy, and when you grown up with its comics, you totally forgot of the movie... Please Zack Snyder/Christopher Nolan/Joss Whedom, make a "Mask" movie

2) X-Men:

I love the movies, but the Prequels changed a lot the continuity, well, the trilogy did it as well

Here's a curious database: In X2, there's a scene where Hank McCoy appears as himself and don't as Beast, When I saw Beast in Last Stand Trailer I thought will explain how he transforms into in Beast, but don't, and in First Class we see something that made that scene X2 be totally pointless and unnecesary.

1) Batman

I heard about a Reboot in 2016, that would be great, but he really need it??? He's Batman, one of the best superhero and had an epic trilogy, now there's the thing; Batman is a good business, so Warner needs more Batman movies, and I think all the fans want to see more Batman adventures, so, that's why I think Batman is the more needed for a Reboot

Well, That's I think about these heroes/antiheroes.

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